Introducing The Hormone Balance Solution Program
The Hormone Balance Solution Program is an integration of a science based personalized nutrition method with specific tools to help support balanced hormones and deliver results. I have partnered with best-of-the-best personalized, all-natural anti- inflammatory and weight balance nutrition program from Germany, developed by a medical doctor and nutritionists. Based on your personal profile, health history and detailed bloodwork, an individualized plan is developed for you. The program takes into consideration your health goals, food likes and dislikes, symptoms, hormonal imbalances, medications, diseases, and a complete analysis of 35 of your unique blood values values.

Energy Therapy
Rubimed™ Energy Therapy is an additional modality in my practice. RET is a natural healing modality from Europe. It is based on the knowledge that a harmonious and free flowing energy system is important for mental, emotional and physical health and wellbeing. When there is a reduced or blocked flow of subtle energy due to unresolved emotional conflicts, the free-flowing subtle energy is interrupted.
A 2-year clinical study with more than 1000 patients showed an 86.5% success rate for resolving anxiety, depression, trauma and stress.

How could this manifest in your life?
Do you have recurring stressful thoughts based on past or present experiences? Do you self-sabotage? Do you feel stuck and unable to move forward with your physical and/or mental health?
The goal with Rubimed therapy is to help resolve your emotional conflicts, big or small, and restore wellbeing on all levels – through physical and mental health. Rubimed therapy helps restore vitality.
Rubimed therapy entails a systematic approach using applied kinesiology testing methods to determine the active emotional conflict. It provides systematic quantitative testing of the energy field that corresponds to how a person feels by emitting a poly frequency spectrum of weak (and safe!) electromagnetic sound waves which enter resonance with the brains’ four frequency ranges: Delta (physical vital), Theta (emotional), Alpha (mental) and Beta (causal). The client’s reaction is measured.
Dissolve the active emotional conflicts that are draining your vital energy!

The Dutch
Hormone Test
The Dutch Complete™ test is a comprehensive assessment of sex and adrenal hormones and their metabolites. It also includes the daily, free cortisol pattern, organic acids, melatonin (6-OHMS), and 8-OHdG. Complex hormonal problems need comprehensive solution. The Dutch test helps brings clarity so we can support hormone imbalances knowing exactly what they are and what is causing them.

IgG Food Sensitivity Testing
Symptoms associated with food sensitivities develop slowly over time and can create inflammation and contribute to symptoms of a variety of diseases. The RMA FST™ IgG Food Sensitivity test can help identify potential food sensitivities and take the guesswork out of your diet.
Food sensitivities, if not treated, can have a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and their families.
Symptoms of food intolerances/sensitivities are:
Other gut health issues
Skin conditions: eczema and psoriasis
Headaches and migraines
Weight control
Joint pain

The IgG Food Sensitivity test measures levels of IgG antibodies to over 220 different foods. Antibodies are highly specialized proteins that bind to specific antigens. All foods have antigen molecules on them, and sometimes these food antigens can trigger the production of antibodies.
The RMA FST™ is a fast and specific way to identify the food(s) responsible for causing reaction(s). Find out what potential food sensitivities you may have today!